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Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion policy 2024


Benwell and Scotswood Team Parochial Church Council (PCC) is fully committed to the promotion of equality of opportunity and elimination of unlawful and unfair discrimination, valuing and embracing diversity and ensuring a holistic and inclusive approach in all fields of its activity.

The PCC adheres to The Equality Act 2010 which recognises the following specific protected characteristics: sex, gender reassignment, race (which includes colour, nationality and ethnic or national origins), disability, age, religion or belief, sexual orientation, marriage & civil partnership and pregnancy & maternity. It will not discriminate because of any other irrelevant factors and will build a culture that values openness, fairness and transparency.


  • To ensure equality, diversity and inclusion are fully reflected in its employment practices and procedures, and that it is compliant with the statutory employment duties under the Equality Act 2010.

  • To ensure employment policies and procedures are monitored and reviewed so that they do not operate against its Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy.

  • To ensure it attracts and retains a diverse workforce through appropriate recruitment and selection methods.  A potential exception to this is where a Genuine Occupational Requirement (GOR) is identified in relation to a specific role.

    • Under the Equality Act 2010 an employer may exercise the right to exercise legal exemptions under the ‘occupational requirement’ (GOR) in relation to any of the protected characteristics.  Under this an employer must simply show that the requirement to discriminate is a ‘proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim’.  For example, in the light of the Church of England’s Christian purpose and ethos it reserves the right to exercise legal exemption where it is declared that a Christian faith is integral to the individual in a specific work role and consequently requires membership of the Church of England or another recognised church.

  • To ensure equality, diversity and inclusion is also applied where our buildings used by external groups and organisations.

    • Schedule 23, paragraph 2 permits religious organizations to be exempt from such obligation whereby any activities may conflict with the doctrine and religious conscience. Though the church community rooms may be protected under this provision, the governing body PCC reserves the right to consider each application fairly on a case by case basis.

The PCC, ministers, and employees will:

  • Ensure that its commitment is communicated to all employees and volunteers fairly and responsibly including users of its services, and all those working for, on behalf of, or providing a service to the Parish.

  • Lead by example, encouraging equality, diversity and inclusion internally and externally, embedding these values in decision making processes, and creating a climate where the differences that individuals bring are valued.

  • Foster good relations between all employees and ministers, and service users/providers.

  • Be aware of their responsibilities and report inappropriate behaviour/s and raise any incident/s that potentially breach this Policy with the appropriate line manager.



  • No individual will experience less favourable treatment (discrimination) in the use or hire of our buildings due to protected characteristics.

  • We continue to review the need to adapt the physical environment to be inclusive and accessible for all.

  • Where a proposed group’s operation may be seen to conflict with Church doctrine or Church Canon Law, the PCC via the Rector will review the application and make a case-by-case determination which will be communicated to the potential hirer.



  • This policy continues to evolve and will be formally reviewed every year.


Approved by the Annual Parochial Church Meeting, 19th May 2024

Signed on behalf of Benwell and Scotswood Team PCC

The Revd Christopher Minchin

Team Vicar for Mission

Vice-Chair, Benwell and Scotswood PCC


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