If you need help with food or anything else, don't worry, that's what we are here for! We don't want anyone in our community to ever go hungry. All the information you need is below.
For all queries, please contact the foodbank directly:
0191 2753019
07580 751365
For vouchers:
Opening times:
Monday 1-3pm
At Venerable Bede, West Road, NE4 8AP
Wednesday 10am - 1pm
At St James, Benwell Lane, NE15 6RS
How do I collect a voucher?
Come to the voucher hub at St James or the Venerable Bede.
Join the queue outside the church hall at the Venerable Bede (inside the church at St James')
Once it's your turn a volunteer will take some basic details to help identify your needs.
You will be given a paper voucher, or an E-voucher with a code.
Once you have a voucher you can exchange this for a food parcel.
You will need to bring:
Photo ID
Proof of address
Identification/proof of members of your household (children, partner, etc.)
Proof of benefits (if you receive benefits)
For food parcels:
Opening times:
Mon 10am - 1pm
At Venerable Bede, West Road, NE4 8AP
Tues 10am - 1pm
At the Foodbank Centre, Benwell Lane, NE15 6LX
Wed 10am - 1pm
At the Foodbank Centre, Benwell Lane, NE15 6LX
Thurs 10am - 1pm
At Venerable Bede, West Road, NE4 8AP
How do I collect a food parcel?
Once you have a voucher, visit the Foodbank at the places and times above. You need to bring:
Your voucher or voucher code
Plastic bags are provided but a backpack or trolley may help you carry the items
Welfare support:
If you need help with benefits, housing, debt, health, asylum, or anything else, then come to the 'Pathways' session at St James for welfare support and advice.
Wed: 10am - 1pm
Fri: 9.30am - 2pm
At St James
Benwell Lane, NE15 6RS
For all queries, please contact the foodbank directly: 0191 2753019 07580 751365 info@nclwefb.org.uk https://newcastlewestend.foodbank.org.uk/