You are invited to journey with us through Holy Week, when we recall the story of Jesus’ passion, death, and resurrection. The greatest story of hope in the face of suffering.
Compline online during Holy week
25, 26, 27 March at 9pm
On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of Holy week we will be saying Compline together online.
Compline or 'Night prayer' is a short peaceful service (no more than 15 minutes) to end your day with God.
To join us click this link: https://meet.google.com/qbd-mjow-rtj
You can also dial in with a phone to join with audio only:
Step one, dial: 020 3873 3099
Step 2, enter the PIN on your phone keypad followed by hash symbol: 154 992 347#

Palm Sunday
24th March, 11am
At Venerable Bede, West Road NE4 8AP
We remember Christ’s triumphant arrival into Jerusalem with a procession outside the church bearing palm crosses and branches and singing. There is then a dramatic reading of the passion story and Holy Communion.

Maundy Thursday
28th March, 7.30pm
At St Margaret's Scostswood, NE15 6AR
We recall how Jesus shared his last meal with friends before he was betrayed with washing of feet and the stripping of decoration from the church. After the service the church remains open for the ‘watch’ until midnight for silent prayer.

Good Friday
29th March
1pm Stations of the Cross / 2pm Liturgy of Good Friday
at St James’ Benwell, NE15 6RS
At 1pm, with Stations of the Cross we meditate on images of Jesus‘ final journey.
At 2pm, in the main Good Friday service, we gather at the foot of the cross to remember that Jesus suffered and died for us.

The Easter Vigil
Sat 30th March, 7.30pm
at St John’s Benwell Village, NE15 6NW
The climax of Holy Week and the most important celebration of the Christian calendar. A service full of symbolism with light, music, and water, we rejoice in Christ’s bursting from the tomb, bringing us all hope of new life.

Easter Morning
Sun 31st March
9.30am at St John's, NE15 6NW
11am at Venerable Bede, NE4 8AP
We gather for Holy Communion on Easter morning.