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Holy Week 2022

Join us for the most special time in the church's year. As we journey through Holy Week we recall the story of Jesus’ passion, death, and resurrection.

Compline during Holy Week

Mon - Wed 9pm

Venerable Bede, West Road

Enter into the beauty of holy week by joining us for Compline, a contemplative service of night prayer.

The big church clean

Wed 1pm

St James Benwell

If you would like to help us prepare St James for the big Easter celebration then come join us on Wednesday afternoon!


Palm Sunday

10 April

11am at Venerable Bede

Palm crosses and branches are used to remember Christ’s triumphant arrival into Jerusalem. With Holy Communion and a dramatic reading of the passion story.


Maundy Thursday

14 April

7.30pm at St John's

The Watch continues 12am

We recall how Jesus’ shared his last meal with friends and washed their feet before he was betrayed. Holy Communion is celebrated and the church is stripped of decoration.

After the service the sacrament remains on an altar for the 'Watch'. The church stays open until midnight and we remain with Jesus in silent prayer as we remember how the disciples stayed with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane the night before he was arrested.


Good Friday

Fri 15 Apr at St Margaret's

1pm Stations of the Cross

We meditate on images of Jesus and follow his journey to the cross.

2pm Liturgy of Good Friday

The main service of Good Friday. At the foot of the cross we remember that Jesus suffered and died as we do, and meditate on his sacrifice of love.


The Easter Liturgy

Sat 16 Apr

8.30pm at St James'

The climax of Holy Week and the most important celebration of the Christian calendar. A service full of symbolism with light, music, & water, we rejoice in Christ’s bursting from the tomb, bringing us all hope of new life.

We will also be celebrating the baptism of several members of our Iranian community.

Join us for refreshments after the service (including a glass of something bubbly!)


Further events

Easter Morning

On Easter morning there will be a service at 11am, at Venerable Bede

Interfaith Iftar Meal, Wed 20th April

During Easter Week we will also hold an Interfaith Iftar Dinner at St James/

If you would like to come please rsvp to

Joint with the Dialogue Society, we are hosting an Iftar meal at St James. Join us for some incredible Turkish food provided by our friends, music, art, and more!

The Dialogue Society exists to build community across different faiths, ethnicities, and backgrounds.

An Iftar is a meal to break your fast after sundown during Ramadan. We will also be hosting the meal during Easter week and simultaneously recognise the importance of this time of year for other religions with Passover, Holi, and Vaisakhi.

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