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Exploring Faith 2025

A group to explore, ask questions, and learn about the Christian faith. 


Beginning Sunday 9th March

Continues every Sunday until 13th April.

Time TBC

Who is it for?

Exploring faith is a non-pressurised group for anyone who is simply curious, anyone who wants to refresh their faith, and anyone who might want to take the next step of baptism or confirmation (and those who are just unsure!).

All ages, abilities, and backgrounds are welcome.

What will happen?

Depending on who would like to come, we may split into smaller groups for young people and speakers of other languages.

Our clergy and other lay leaders will guide us through different resources and bible passages, and discuss together what they might mean.

Contact & RSVP

You’re welcome to just turn up on the day. But to help us prepare, let us know if you want to come and any dietary requirements or if we can make any adaptations to help you join in the discussion.

If you have any other questions feel free to get in contact:

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