No doubt you will have heard that covid restrictions are being relaxed. As case rates are still high in our area you won't see too much change just yet! But we do have plans to reintroduce activities. Find all the info below.
Most importantly - please get your vaccine if you haven't yet! And stay at home if you develop covid symptoms.
We are still advising everyone to wear face masks in the building, however, they are no longer mandatory.
Hand sanitising:
Everyone must continue to sanitise their hands on entering the building.
Social distance:
We will maintain 1M+ and chairs will still be spaced apart.
Holy Communion:
Communion will continue to be brought to you in your seat and we will not yet return to the common cup.
Signing in:
You may sign in with either the NHS covid app or the paper copy on the desk.
We will gradually reintroduce singing on Sundays, this will likely start with a music group or choir before we sing as a congregation. This may take a few weeks to get going and we may need to further mitigate risk with masks or further social distancing.
Children in services:
Children are welcome in services and do not have to stay in their seats. They can make full use of the children's corner and its toys, books, and craft materials. Please do remind children to keep 1M+ apart from other households.
After the service and refreshments:
We will continue to go outside after the service while the weather is good. We will gradually reintroduce teas and coffees after the service, but not immediately. If you would like to help please let us know!
Re-opening our buildings:
Team services at St James will continue for a while longer. As case rates are still high in our area, we will proceed cautiously and we will assess when is the right time to re-open our churches at our next Mission planning group in September and discuss with churchwardens over the next month. We will also discuss what the weekly pattern of services will look like then.
The number of guests is now only limited to the capacity of each building with seating spaced 1M+ apart.