11am, Sunday 2nd February 2025
at Venerable Bede Church, West Road, NE4 8AP
A service of celebration of all who have been christened in Benwell & Scotswood Team Parish.
(The parish includes 4 churches: St James' Benwell, St John's Benwell Village, St Margaret's Scotswood, and Venerable Bede West Road.)
You are invited
Those who have been baptised (christened) in our churches are invited every year to this special celebratory service along with their loved ones and Godparents.
Some useful info
This family-friendly service will last less than an hour.
There will be some light refreshments after.
If you still have your baptism candle then bring it with you to light them during the service (don’t worry if not, there will be some spare candles!)
There is no need to RSVP but if you would like to contact us for any reason: church@benwellscotswod.com or 07968 162067
p.s. Do you have photos of baptisms in our churches? However long ago or recent, we would love to show them in the service!
What is Candlemas?
Traditionally this festival 40 days after Christmas (or the nearest Sunday) was when candles were blessed to be used throughout the year- hence 'candlemas'!
It is when we read the story of how Mary and Joseph took the baby Jesus' to the temple in Jerusalem 40 days after his birth and gave thanks to God.