Sunday 30th January, 11am
At Venerable Bede Church West Road, NE4 8AP
Were you, your children, or another loved one, baptised (christened) at one of our churches*? Or have you acted as godparent for someone?
We are holding a service of celebration for all who have been baptised in Benwell & Scotswood Team Parish and you are invited!
There's no need to RSVP but to help us estimate numbers, if possible, let us know you're coming by contacting us here >
*St James, St John's, St Margaret's, or the Venerable Bede
Who is invited?
Anyone! But especially those who have been baptised in our churches and their loved ones. You may especially like to ask godparents to come!
What is Candlemas?
40 days after Christmas (or the nearest Sunday) is when we remember the story of how Jesus' parents presented him in the temple to give thanks for his birth. Traditionally this was when candles were blessed to be used throughout the year- hence 'candlemas'!
Was I 'baptised' or 'christened'?
'Christening' is just another word meaning the baptism of a child.
What will happen?
This celebratory service will include music and prayers, we will also light candles and have the chance to renew our baptismal vows. There will be some activities for children. The service will last less than an hour and we will have light refreshments after.
What about covid?
We will ask everyone to wear masks inside (unless exempt) as well as sign-in and sanitise hands. There will be singing, but chairs will be placed 1m+ apart.

If you still have your baptism candle bring it with you and we will light them during the service!

Do you have photos of baptisms in our churches?
However long ago or recent, we would love to make a slideshow for the service and share some on social media! Send them to church@benwellscotswod.com